Does Anthem really support Voting Rights?
The company's position on voting rights is that it is poor. The company does not believe that all citizens should have the right to vote. The company believes that only those who are properly educated on the issues should be able to vote.
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Unicare is owned by Anthem
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Some corporations break their silence on Texas' voter suppression bills
For months, members of the Texas legislature have been considering two bills (SB7 and HB6) that would make it harder to vote — particularly in areas with large Black populations like Harris County. In March, Popular Information
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Better Alternatives
UnitedHealth Group
UnitedHealth Group is a company that does not support voting rights. This is because they feel that it is not their place to make decisions for the people, and that the people should be able to make their own decisions. They also believe that if everyone had the right to vote, it would lead to more chaos and less order.
Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente does not have a stated position on voting rights. However, the company's history indicates that it is likely to oppose measures that make it easier for people to vote. Kaiser Permanente has a long history of supporting conservative candidates and donating to conservative causes. In addition, the company has opposed efforts to make voting easier, such as same-day registration and early voting.